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Have the Children Been Poisoned? 

March 16, 2022


Increased exposure to toxic substances due to an overuse of ineffective measures like mask mandates, frequent use of hand sanitizers, disinfectant sprays, and frequent testing during the pandemic will have a short- and long-term impact on children’s health and future generations. 


Moreover, ineffective lockdowns  increased the number of children  relying on food bank packages which cannot fulfill the daily nutrition needed during growth and development, worsening the threat for poor health during aging. 

An overall dis-regulation of the immune system might occur with consequences ranging from autoimmune disorders to cancer. It is most likely that the most affected population will be the poor, immunocompromised, and disabled children. To prevent any further damage measures should be stopped while urgent analysis on poisoning and possible ways to repair the immune system is needed. 

Toxic chemicals a known risk for future health 

The World Health Organization states that poisoning is one of the top five causes of death from unintentional injuries in children. Surveys from China show that poisoning is  one of the leading causes of death  in Chinese children, ranking as high as the 3 rd  cause of accidental death. 

Hundreds of new chemicals are developed and released in the environment every year, untested for their toxic effects on children. Over the past 50 years more than 100.000 synthetic organic chemical compounds have been released. For the vast majority of these chemicals for everyday domestic and commercial use, there is only a limited understanding of how they will behave once released into air, water and soil. 

As a result a cocktail of global toxicants such as chlorinated, brominated and fluorinated proteins and Ag, Al, Ars, Hg and Pb is found in human and animal blood samples. Hormone-like synthetic compounds like PFAS and PCB, the so-called endocrine disrupters are taking a heavy toll on humans and wildlife, interfering with organisms’ natural chemical signaling pathways as described in the book  Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival?  by Colborn et al. Certain pesticides appear to interfere with  brain development , aging and reproductive function.

Children’s exposures to  toxic chemicals in the environment  cause or contribute to a group of chronic disabling and sometimes life-threatening conditions like childhood cancer, neurodevelopmental, behavioral and fat metabolism disorders. Diseases that increased substantially in the Western world and cannot be explained by parallel trends in lifestyle, diet and behavioral patterns. 

There is growing scientific evidence that even low doses of exposure to toxic substances during fetal and child development can cause lasting permanent effects. Critical windows of vulnerability to exposure are the developing fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy when the brain is developing most rapidly and during the first several years of life when the immune system is programmed. 

The past two years, the biological hazard has increased with a mountain of extra waste, nonessential personal protective equipment making up nearly half of the  volume of waste. About 1/3 of personal protective equipment cannot be  safely bagged  or stored because of too few biohazard bags. Worldwide,  billions of euros  have been spent on faulty masks and other PPE mostly derived from Chinese companies which did not exist before the pandemic. Although WHO released an emergency about the danger of air pollution resulting in a poor immune system, more infectious diseases and more chronic noncommunicable diseases (i.e.  heart diseases, diabetes, obesity ), a risk benefit assessment for the pandemic measures destroying millions of people’s lives has not been made. 

Pregnant women, children and adolescents are more susceptible to intoxications

The US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has estimated that the toxic exposures in the environment contribute to the causation of  28 percent of neurobehavioral disorders in children

The NAS report and numerous research have learned that “the time makes the poison” with the corollary that “in early development, timing makes the poison.” 

The threshold, the lowest concentration that might produce harmful effects, is different for every chemical and may differ from person to person (sensitivity). The longer the exposure to a chemical the more likely one is to be affected by it.  Chemical exposure , which continues over a long period of time, is often particularly hazardous because some chemicals can accumulate in the body or because the damage does not have a chance to be repaired. 

The body has several systems, most importantly the liver kidney and lungs that change chemicals in less toxic form and eliminate them. The common points that substances first contact the body are the skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs. The ability of children to metabolize, detoxify and excrete many toxicants differs from that of adults. They are less able to deal with chemical toxins because they do not have the enzymes necessary to metabolize them and thus are more vulnerable to them.

The developing systems of a child are very delicate and are not able to repair damage that may be caused by environmental toxicants. Even in the absence of clinical visible symptoms, a  subclinical toxicity could cause diseases  in intelligence and alteration of behavior. The internal organs mostly affected are the liver, kidneys, heart, nervous system (including the brain) and the reproductive system. 

There are a few substances that once deposited remain in the body forever like asbestos fibers. Toxic chemicals can cause genetic damage. Most chemicals that cause cancer also cause mutations. For  several chemical metals  epigenetic modifications are considered a possible mechanism underlying the toxicity and cell-transforming ability. Unfortunately, most chemicals have not been tested at all. 

Moreover, interaction between substances that can produce any synergistic or potentiating effect are not known. In 1997 a White House task force on children’s health and safety was established and in 2002 the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children’s Act became law, which required that drugs labeled for use in children undergo scientific studies to  specifically examine children’s  susceptibilities. Although regulations for a precautionary approach to use toxic chemicals have been set up their ambition have not met their accomplishment.

How Covid measures put children’s future health at risk

Many studies showed that children and adolescents are at a very low risk for developing a severe case of Covid-19. Collective studies show that the immune response of adults and children to mild SARS-CoV-2 infection are similar but diverge after the development of severe disease in ARDS (adults) and MIS-C (children) characterized by a difference in immune response and inflammation. 

However, the association of severe Covid-19 in children and adults with  preexisting medical conditions  underscores the contribution of these comorbidities to disease severity. Several studies demonstrated a relation between  gut microbiota composition , levels of cytokines and inflammatory markers, chemokines and blood markers of tissue damage in patients with Covid-19 and the severity of disease. A depletion of gut microbiota with immunomodulatory potential was observed. It can be that the microbial dysbiosis after disease resolution could contribute to persistent symptoms described as Long Covid. 

There is no proof that measures during the pandemic for healthy children and adolescents protect against viral infection or transmission,while the possible harm by a combination of toxic substances that could eventually work synergistically or potentiating in possible harm on the effectiveness of the immune system is of increasing concern. 

The more we can imagine that children’s exposure to  toxic substances  like titanium dioxide, graphene oxide, Ag,  sodium azideethanolmethanolpolypropylene fibers  often in combination and for longer periods of time together with a possible change in  carbon dioxide  concentration can cause an alteration in their gut microbiota and an overuse of their detoxification systems in liver, kidney, lungs and heart. 

An alteration of the gut microbiota of the children and adolescents predispose children and adolescents to develop MIS-C and other chronic diseases.  Case reports  of serious health problems within minutes while wearing a mask have been published. Remarkably experts to the government, politics and courts are still advising pro-measures, even when the science is clear about the ineffectiveness and safety cannot be guaranteed. 

Recently, the Belgian Sciensano found the estimated titanium dioxide mass in 24 different single and reusable types of facemasks meant for the general public systemically exceeded the acceptable exposure level by inhalation when masks are worn intensively. Part of this study  was published  in  Nature. However, Sciensano did not retract any of the tested masks from the market or reported to the public in which type of masks the high level of titanium dioxide was found while in the paper it is stated a health risk can not be excluded. 

Moreover, uncertainties regarding the  genotoxicity  of titanium dioxide particles remain. Additionally, Sciensano said It does not exclude titanium dioxide from being present in other types of masks containing synthetic fibers such as medical masks even when they are certified either. Key information on risk assessment for toxicity is missing. In general, scientific data on the presence of (nano) particles in face masks their characteristics, the exposure and the risks for the population is limited,  especially for vulnerable populations , elderly, pregnant women and children. The past two years these groups were forced to wear face masks intensively without a decent risk-benefit assessment.

According to the  ECHA, titanium dioxide  is on the EEA market in nanomaterial form. The substance is approved by the European Union and suspected of causing cancer. On February 2022 the Belgian government published that  titanium dioxide E171  will no longer be allowed for food consumption from August 2022 onwards. Sciensano is also working on an Agmask project, though results have not become available for the public yet. The ECHA states that the presence of  Ag  is very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. 

In Germany, The Netherlands and Canada millions of masks have been retracted from the market due to the presence of graphene-oxide known in ECHA as a substance causing eye irritation, skin irritation and may cause respiratory irritation. In  a review  on graphene nanoparticles the underlying toxicity has been revealed, for instance physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, Inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy and necrosis. 

The potential hazards for the long term are still unknown. Unfortunately, the uncontrolled frequent use of  biocides  by producers of face masks and tests stretches the already existing problem of antibiotic resistance ,like MRSA (multi resistant  Staphylococcus aureus ), even further. In this respect it is important to realize that a bacterial overgrowth with skin problems due to mask wearing is often caused by  Staphylococcus aureus Also, the University of Florida found 11 pathogenic bacteria that can cause diphtheria, pneumonia and meningitis on the outside of masks worn by children. 

Crosstalk between poison, gut microbiota, inflammation and vaccine response

The influence of  pollutants  on the  gut microbiota , gut permeability and the immune system, enhancing pulmonary, intestinal and systemic inflammation is undeniable. Conditions that can enhance inflammatory effects with systemic consequences. Pollution can influence epigenetic modifications, oxidative stress and impact processes of methylation of genes both in loss and excess particularly for those involved  in inflammatory pathways

Overall, there seems to be a risk for the development of certain autoimmune diseases as a result of an imbalance of T cell subsets. The underlying mechanisms and long-term consequences are not yet completely clear; thus the effects might be even more serious than expected.

In some cases a synergistic effect can take place between a pathogen and pollutant resulting in an altered immune response. Microbiota act as an immunomodulator and are involved in the response to vaccination. Different types of microbiota inhibited by PFAS are linked to a better immune response to vaccination and longevity. 

Exposure to PFAS has been associated with a decrease in the humoral immune responses to tetanus, diphtheria and rubella vaccines in children and adults. On the other hand a cross sectional study in China showed a protective effect of the influenza vaccine on the effects of air pollution. As known for many decades the efficacy of vaccines depends on the integrity of the immune system. Humans are exposed to hazards throughout their lifespan and the effects of these exposures are often not realized until decades later. 

In fact, individuals conceived during the Dutch Hunger Winter at the end of World War II were shown 60 years later to have altered DNA methylation at a locus which plays an important role in growth. Recently a genome-wide epidemiology study of BPA exposure and DNA methylation levels in pre-adolescent girls in Egypt showed that methylation profiles exhibit exposure dependent trends. 

Developmental BPA exposure may both be associated with higher body weight and increased obesity or with hyperactive lean phenotypes. A possible link of  pesticide exposure of farm workers  to various and deadly illnesses like Parkinson’s and blood cancers took a decade for a group of French scientists to blow the whistle until it was recognized. Environmental, behavioral, socioeconomic and diet contribute to different risk profiles for later in life diseases. Results may be dependent on vulnerable stages of life that represent  critical windows of susceptibility.

Preventing latent disease development for later in life diseases

The signals are clear enough to start questioning and searching for the truth. A recent article in the  Daily Mail  in the UK stated  Long Covid might not actually blame fatigue  in children, as symptoms are just as common in youngsters who never had the virus. American children are  losing motivation and creativity , teachers say. Problems include depression, underachievement, disconnection and anxiety. 

A recent  English study  showed in schoolchildren a 23 percent loss of early learning, a decrease in concentration and verbal and nonverbal communication. Another article observed  a pandemic brain : neuroinflammation in non-infected individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic. An increase in the prevalence of fatigue, brain fog, depression and other sickness behavior like symptoms that implicate a possible dysregulation in neuroimmune mechanisms. Latest research demonstrated the increased risk for  myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents  after vaccination. The authors advised a personal risk-benefit assessment before vaccination. A  Lancet  study reported a rare multisystem inflammatory syndrome  in vaccinated young.  

Although it is yet unclear what would have been the trigger for the inflammation and the overdrive over the body’s immune system, fatigue, loss of strength and interest, a possible synergistic or potentiating effect of the presence of high concentrations of various toxic substances cannot be excluded. A new stage of thinking is needed and retooling the risk assessment process of Covid measures so that it takes into account the increased vulnerability of pregnant women and children to toxic substances. 

Governmental and other organizations who analyzed the presence of toxic substances in face masks, tests, gloves and other PPE urgently need to release their available data and analysis to open the discussion on possible harm of children during pandemic measures. A  new article  clearly demonstrated that wearing masks at school does not prevent viral transmission. Though poor evidence for masking the  public and children has been known  for a while. Child abuse by forcing children to wear masks, even from the age of two years, should be stopped immediately to prevent loss of quality of life, loss of well-being and a loss of the ability to work while aging. 

Furthermore, groups of children of all ages who have been exposed to extended periods of mask wearing, overuse of hand sanitizers, disinfectant spray and frequent testing need to be analyzed on the presence of toxic substances or metabolites in the body. 

We need a program to detoxify and restore the immune system and a healthy life with adequate nutrition. This is what is required to return a stolen future to the young to live a life in freedom, connection, creativity, and motivation in balance with nature. 

Abbreviations used

ARDS: Acture Respiratory Distress Syndrome
MIS-C: Multisystem Inflammation Syndrome
PFAS: Per and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
PCB: Plychlorobifenyl
PBA: PolyBisphenol A
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
Pb: Lead
Ag: Silver
Ars: Arsenic
Al: Alum
Hg: Mercury

Also published at The Epoch Times

By Carla Peeters June 11, 2024
Children’s Health: By the Numbers
By Carla Peeters April 26, 2024
A silent disruption of population health and human potential is causing a decline in economic growth and increased poverty worldwide. The number of citizens losing trust in leaders from public-private partnerships that ruled and mandated public health and climate policies and are responsible for eroding human capital is rising. Recovery via improved investments is urgently needed. Creating healthy generations and rebuilding a flourishing economy both require trusted independent business leaders from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) who uphold finding truth and not doing harm as bedrock principles. Human Capital is the Key Driver of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Every business leader and politician knows that absence and poor mental health drain business. The true problem business leaders need to face is the increase in unexpected deaths at all ages, a rise in frequent and long-term sick leave, and more people experiencing lifelong disabilities. Together, they lead to a considerable loss in productivity and high costs, a rise in bankruptcy of small and medium enterprises, and an increasing number of people in poverty. Analysis of a Covid-19 Policy Score Card in the US shows a negative health effect for about 10% of the population and 30% of the civilian labor force. Business analysts are warning that this alarming negative trend is expected to continue over the next several years. Moreover, those under 25 years of age, who will make up 90% of the prime-age workforce in 2050, experienced at critical moments in the lifecycle a derailing of developments by lockdowns and school closures. This amounted to a hidden but massive loss of unmet potential with a decline in lifetime earnings as high as $21 trillion globally. The economic loss by the disastrous Covid-19 pandemic response and unneeded climate measures will exceed far beyond the $16 trillion virus . Soon, human capital will be the number one topic in risk management for business owners and investors for years to come. Skyrocketing Sickness Hits the Heart of Business Sickness hasn’t been this prevalent in decades. Independent investigators and insurance companies all point to similar observations, noticing a sharp decline in general health and well-being and an increase in sudden unexpected deaths of people in the workforce since 2021. According to Randstad 1.27 million employees miss work every day. The absenteeism rate rose to 6% in Q3 2023. The growing number of people not able to work because of long-term illness is reflected in the economic data of many countries. Moreover, mental health problems among the youth have almost doubled. Insurance companies in various EU countries, the UK, and the US have started to sound the alarm bell over the risk of recession and an increasing number of businesses that face bankruptcy due to high costs of human capital and poor performance. Switzerland Switzerland had a previous low sick leave rate of 2.4 days per year. This has changed. In the Swiss economy, absence from work due to mental illness has reached a record level and is 20% higher as compared to the previous year. Never have absences due to mental illness, burnout, post-traumatic stress syndrome, fatigue syndrome, or Long Covid syndrome been this high, with young people affected disproportionately. In the 18-24 age group, seven out of 10 people who are unable to work suffer from mental illness. This is four times higher than 25 years ago. These data reflect a structural trend. A survey by AXA Insurance among SME found that almost two-thirds are confronted with absenteeism due to mental health issues. Workplace absenteeism weighs heavily on the activities of companies. Extended employee absences can have detrimental consequences for the company’s operation. Among the most frequent repercussions are overtime and increased workload from the remaining staff (54%), costs related to recruiting additional personnel (38%), loss of production or failures in services (37%), and costs related to continuous salary payments. Germany Germany’s true economic disease, recession , includes rising sickness and declining productivity. In 2023 each employee had 19.4 days of sickness leave, almost equal to one month per employee and two times higher than in 2010. The highest increase was observed in 2022 and 2023. Filling open vacancies has become a headache for each business owner.
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